According to a recent study, investigators say parents themselves are helping child predators commit crimes against kids. How? So many parents are in the habit of only monitoring desktop computers at home. Those same parents have no idea whats on their kids’ cell phones, ipods or tablets. It is very important for parents to monitor these devices since now one if four teens in a “cell only” internet user. 15% of Americans ages 18-29 are heavily […]
The internet has changed the way that we interact with the world. The vast majority of people in the civilized world own at least one smartphone, and with the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to see why the internet is an essential part of modern life, so much so that it’s even the foundation for many of today’s technologies. While the internet holds a wealth of information that we can access at […]
As a new user you will find there are many uses for computer monitoring software. As an experienced user you will most likely focus on a few features such a being able to block websites, setting up custom alerts and monitoring websites visited. In this short article you will learn about two computer monitoring software benefits. Two Computer Monitoring Software Benefits Remote Monitoring For most, using computer monitoring software or using parental control software sounds difficult to administer and […]
With WebWatcher for Mobile there are many activities that you will be able to monitor. This week we will focus on the Cell Phone Log Tracking feature. This feature is also known as the Phone Call Tracking feature. Benefits of Cell Phone Log Tracking As we discuss each feature, we always want to cover the benefits of each cell phone monitoring component. You can now easily monitor when calls are made, received and missed by the Android […]
WebWatcher Mobile brings the power of WebWatcher to cell phones. Cell Phone SMS Tracker Remote monitoring has been around for many years and is an effective way to monitor computer and mobile phone usage. With WebWatcher Mobile you now have the same robust monitoring tools available for your mobile phones that have been available for your personal computers for quite some time. WebWatcher Mobile allows you to monitor mobile phones remotely via a secure online […]
Social media and privacy don’t really go hand in hand – just a look at the Cambridge Analytica scandal. But there are several ways to minimize how and what you share with these tech giants. If you still want to keep your account(s) for any reason, here are some of the best apps to maximize your privacy efforts short of hiring an outsourced IT support company to protect your data. Jumbo If you’ve ever tried […]
Conventional referral programs include word of mouth, coupon distribution, newspaper ads, and commercial product promotion on television channels. Right now, the digital marketing and SEO services are more popular. People hit the best online e-commerce portal to buy products. Offline referral program needs sellers or companies to build up trust by using a number of techniques to convince buyers through dynamic content sharing. Do good SEO home work to optimize the e-commerce website which is […]