If your teen is like most teens today, they probably spend a large part of the day with their smartphone in hand. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Many adults now find smartphones vital to their jobs, and teens who grew up with the technology will find themselves well-prepared for a world that increasingly relies on it. However, unrestrained cell phone use isn’t necessarily a good thing, either. For all the advantages that digital communication […]
This is the today’s version of passing notes. Smartphones are no longer a luxury, even for teenagers. Today’s kids use mobile apps and text messaging as one of their primary modes of communication — to be without a smartphone is to be left out of their social circle. If you’re like most parents, you want your child to have a healthy, active social life, and you understand that their phone is a large part of […]
Kids’ Screen Addiction: What Every Parent Should Know Cyberwise recently reported key findings from recent studies regarding kids’ screen usage and addiction. While many parents worry their kids are on their phones too much, these findings confirm more serious risks. Studies prove that excessive screen time not only inhibits “in real life” social interactions for kids, but can also cause health risks to parts of the brain. It is more important than ever for parents […]
With nearly 1 billion users, WhatsApp is now the single most used messaging app surpassing Facebook, Skype and others. Surprisingly, 50 percent more messages are now being sent using WhatsApp than traditional SMS text messages. Of some concern is the fact that WhatsApp is extremely popular with teens as it is a way to message their friends privately without showing up in their text message history. Of greater concern is that WhatsApp has recently upgraded with end-to-end […]
Digital security risks have escalated over the past couple of years. Many companies are still reluctant to accept the growing threats that hackers pose. Here are some statistics to put the concerns in context: In 2005, companies reported 157 online security breaches in the United States. During 2014, U.S. companies reported 783 online security breaches. During 2017, U.S. companies reported 1579 online security breaches. The number of security breaches increased 900% in just over a […]
At least 100 high school students in Cañon City texted nude selfies to each other, according to authorities, part of a large sexting ring. George Welsh, the superintendent of the Cañon City school system, said that while children in the pictures were believed to be students at the high school, some were also eighth graders from the middle school. This incident in Cañon City has left parents outraged and has their legal officials debating whether […]
When developing WebWatcher for iPhone/iPad, Awareness Technologies weighed the pros and cons of creating an iCloud monitoring solution versus a Jailbreak solution. Apple released iOS 8.3 last week, which continues to patch any ability to jailbreak the device running 8.1.3 or later. iOS 8.1.3, which was released earlier this year, officially patched up the TaiG iOS 8 jailbreak and those patches carry over to iOS 8.3. A support page on Apple’s website lists the TaiG […]
For Sellers in Amazon, Jungle Scout chrome extension software is definitely a powerful tool to get competitive product descriptions for making the awesome decision. Get product reviews, stat reports, sales rank and updates regarding new product items in the specific niches on Amazon. It seems to give you a great formula to win in the competition. Find the best journal review-Jungle Scout and learn about innovative technical aspects of JS software. Explore in Amazon Jungle […]
Some states including CT, NY, SD, NE, FL, NJ, WV & VA, have implemented strict punishments for teens convicted of sexting. Teenagers convicted of these crimes may face extensive jail terms, criminal records, being placed on the sex offender registry and the stigma and employment problems that come with that; incredibly severe punishments for the sending or receiving of an explicit image at a young age. Teens charged with these crimes can possibly face long jail […]
Many parents are shocked when they find out their child is being cyber-bullied or their child is cyberbulling another student. Every parent wants their child to feel safe and happy while growing up but that isn’t always something you are directly in control of. With children going to school for most of the day and having friends to then go hang out with, it isn’t always easy to tell what is going on in your child’s […]
Computer Monitoring sure has come a long way since the days of having to scroll through the computer’s browsing history. Today, many solutions have automated features which allow you to secretly monitor your kids online activity. With social media on the rise there is no real way to prevent your children from interacting online with their peers. Social media is great for increased communication, access to information and help in developing a sense of self. […]
Children are the new mobile generation, with some as young as six now being given mobile phones. Many parents feel that having a mobile connection with their children will help keep them safer. While this may be true and the main reason why children have phones at such a young age, parents also have to consider what their children see and do on these mobile devices. WebWatcher’s Android monitoring software is the best way to monitor […]
A keylogger is a type of surveillance software that has the capability to record every keystroke you make to a log file, usually encrypted. A keystroke recorder can record instant messages, e-mail, and any information you type at any time using your keyboard. Parents will find there are many uses for WebWatcher’s keylogger software. This keylogger software is the best monitoring software available allowing parents to view every keystroke typed on a PC or Mac. Two Keylogger Software Benefits KEYSTROKE […]
A national study from the center on media and human development at Northwestern University sheds light on the ways digital technologies have changed parenting practices in the United States. What part do interactive and mobile technologies play in 21st century parenting? Has the iPad become the new pacifier? With mobile technologies playing a larger role in parenting styles, monitoring these devices has become even more important. WebWatcher provides the best software solutions for parents to monitor their […]
Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill today that expands Florida’s current anti-bullying law to include cyberbullying and to include some activities that occur off campus and on privately owned electronic devices. One of the Senate sponsors, Sen. Dwight Bullard, said the social networking sites and technology in most every student’s hands has opened the door for new ways of bullying. The law, which goes into effect July 1, will require school districts to update their bullying […]