Any internet user who owns a video or blog, or related to any sort of video shoot or photography must keep one thing in mind, that if someone else rather than yourself uses that image or video of you without your consent, could cause damage to your repute, ethically and legally as well. A decade ago there was no such technology or way to find your personal media online and how that is being used […]
Black diamonds are among the most popular of diamonds, and they make fantastic additions and focal points to any piece of jewelry. Whether you’re looking for an engagement ring, wedding ring, necklace, or bracelet — a high quality white diamond adds a touch of sophistication and to the jewelry. Before choosing your ring or necklace around your neck, make sure you fully understand the diamond fundamentals and popular style and design options. Guide to Selection […]
Managing your children’s use of digital media can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenting in the digital age. It’s not enough to just make one rule about computer use – the chances are that your child has access to multiple devices, and multiple programs and apps on each device. Thus, you need a more nuanced approach than turning the computer off and on. Apps and technology change quickly as well, so your […]
Cyberbullying is something that many parents worry about. It has been linked to teen suicide in some extreme cases, as well as to depression and other problems in teenagers, and it’s worrying to consider that your child might be a victim. But what happens if you discover that your child is the bully? Many parents are unprepared for the possibility that their child may be the one at fault in a bullying situation, and are […]
When your teen shares a Facebook post or an Instagram photo with all of their friends, they’re probably not thinking much further into the future than however long it takes to get reactions to their posting. But what your teen does online can last a long time, and it can affect their future. It’s become very common for college admissions officers and employers to Google applicants to find out more about them, and your teen […]
Social media is a central part of the social lives of today’s teenagers, so it seems strange to consider that the very medium that kids use to socialize might be impeding their social skills. But if your child or teenager spends a lot of time on social media, there’s a chance that it is hampering their ability to learn effective socialization and communication skills, and not just because they’re staring at their phone during dinner. […]
Cyberbullying is an especially frustrating form of bullying, as it can seem to the victim as if there’s nowhere to turn to escape the bullying behavior. Cyberbullying turns the victim’s own property – devices like computers, tablets, and mobile phones – against them, and it makes even the victim’s own home an unsafe space. But do victims have legal recourse? The answer is more complicated than you may think. Here are some things you should […]
Just having a website for your brand doesn’t ensure web exposure. Online marketing is critical for the success of a portal, and in that context, both SEO and paid marketing are equally important. Finding a balance is often hard, because brands are tempted to spend more on paid marketing for instant results but they also have to focus on SEO, which does make a difference in SERPs. In this post, we are discussing both aspects […]
Although bullying is discussed more widely now than it was years ago, the concept of bullying has been around forever. No matter how old you are, you probably have memories of childhood bullying, whether you were the victim, the aggressor, or just an outside observer. While bullying is not new, it has changed as technology has advanced. And while the digital age has brought many improvements to modern life, bullying is one area that seems […]
The internet is an amazing tool. With it, you can research any subject, communicate with people all over the world, and have instant access to breaking news. It also provides several different types of entertainment. Families make use of these internet tools every day. However, not every family makes use of another important tool: internet monitoring software. The purpose of internet monitoring software isn’t to spy on kids and other family members, it’s to help […]
It’s not exactly news that teens will attempt to sneak a peek at pornography if it’s available to them. Teens – both boys and girls – have always been curious about sex and about the human body. But in today’s world, it’s not just a magazine or even a stray video that your teen might look at. With the click of a mouse, they can have access to an unlimited amount of pornography. What do you […]
If you are starting your own software development company then there is a high chance that you are going to make a lot of mistakes. Even top software development companies like vironit make mistakes throughout their job. And trust me there is nothing in wrong in making mistakes. As the more mistakes you make, the better you learn. So you should not be scared of making mistakes. However, to prepare yourself beforehand, I am going […]
As a parent, you want your child to come to you if they’re in trouble or if they need help. But bullying is something that children don’t always feel comfortable talking about with their parents. They may feel embarrassed – bullying often involves attempts to humiliate the victim by sharing private information or secrets, spreading unflattering rumors, or shaming the victim in some way. They may fear that parental interference will make the problem worse […]
When is it safe for your children to start exploring social media apps? Many apps originally aimed at adults or older teenagers have begun to attract younger audiences. SnapChat is a prime example. Though originally made for adults, children as young as nine years old find SnapChat accessible and fun. But is it safe for them to use? Here’s what you need to know about children and pre-teens and their safety on SnapChat. How Does […]
Suffering from a job loss might have its toll on you. You might experience depression, loss of motivation, and irrational fears are just some of it. What is more painful is that you have lost a career and a financial source. Hence, the main problem is how do you survive financially from job loss. In this blog are tips to help you recover from the dilemma of job loss. Change of Mindset Most people, (that […]