Distracted driving killed more than 3,000 people in 2017. And young inexperienced teen drivers might be more at risk for being distracted behind the wheel; sending a text, talking on their Smartphone or even glancing at a GPS might be enough to take their focus off the road. But mobile tracker software could keep parents in the driver’s seat when it comes to their teen driver’s safety behind the wheel. So how can a mobile […]
Monthly Archives: June 2019
Every parent knows that it’s scary to not know where their kids are. Luckily, today’s parents have plenty of tools to help them stay connected with their kids. Smartphones, with their texting, voice and video chat, and instant messaging capabilities are a big part of that. You can touch base with your child almost any time that you want to. But what if they’re not answering the phone? What happens if they do answer, but […]
Your child wants a smartphone, or maybe you want them to have one so that you can reach them when they’re out of the house and they can call you in an emergency. But once you give your child a smartphone, how much can you monitor and control what gets downloaded onto it and sent to it and what your child does with it? After all, a smartphone allows your child to do a whole […]
Acronyms abound in technology, but SMS is one acronym parents need to know. So what is SMS? According to Twigby, SMS means Short Message Service. SMS includes any short messages, and texts are the best example of this message type. So why do parents need to know about SMS? Texts, tweets and DMs (aka ‘direct messages) are some of the most widely-used forms of instant communication among teens. If you’ve ever heard your teen proclaim […]