If your teen is like many of their peers, they probably spend every spare minute with their smartphone in hand, texting and messaging, talking, playing games, or scrolling through social media apps. Do you ever wonder if anyone else is paying attention to what your teen is doing with all that time they spend on their phone? The answer to that question is probably yes. Take a look at some of the ways your teen’s […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
Many parents have concerns about their children’s screen use, and especially with how young children are when they first start using screens these days. These concerns motivate many parents to put limits on when and how their children can use screens, starting very early in life – even in the preschool and toddler years. However, as children get older, parents tend to relax those limits, and many parents find that once their child reaches the […]
Once you’ve decided that it’s time to allow your teen to have a smartphone, the next question is, which phone? Your teen likely has some ideas, probably based on what kinds of phones their friends are using or what features they want. You may have some ideas yourself, based on price or the limits of your existing phone plan. But one question you shouldn’t forget to ask yourself is this: which phone is safer? Which […]
Does your teen need more sleep? Sleep is an important requirement for anyone’s health, and teens need a lot of sleep in order to keep up with their rapidly developing brains and bodies during this stage of their life. It can be harder than you think for teens to get as much sleep as they need. Today’s teens have busy schedules and a lot of different things that may be on their minds. And there’s […]
Many parents of teens feel that once their teens get a smartphone, the device quickly becomes almost a new part of their bodies. Some teens seem constantly glued to a screen, even when they should be sleeping, eating, or studying. And unless you’re constantly looking over their shoulders, it can be hard to know what exactly teens are doing on those screens. How do teens really use their phones, and what should you be doing […]
For teens, getting a driver’s license and the keys to the car for the first time can be an exhilarating experience. Many teens see the ability to drive solo as an important rite of passage. Parents may also see driving as an important milestone for their teen, but it’s often a frightening one as well. It’s well known that inexperienced teen drivers are more likely to have accidents than most other groups of drivers. There […]
When you think of the effects of smartphone use on your teen’s life, you’re probably thinking about the social media apps that your teen uses, or maybe gaming or shopping apps that cost money or distract your teens from other pursuits. What you may not be thinking of is the texting function on your teen’s phone. But there’s reason to be concerned that even if your teen isn’t obsessed with apps, that they may be […]
It’s not uncommon for things on the internet to be not quite what they seem to be. On social media, people tend to post carefully curated snapshots of their lives, showcasing the exciting or beautiful parts and leaving out anything that’s mundane or ugly. However, most of us assume that the people we meet online are real people, even if they’re highly selective about what they share about their lives. But what happens when an […]
Even if you’re keeping a close eye on which apps your child downloads to their smartphone, you may not be thinking much about when and how those apps are updated. Most phones are set to automatically download and add updates and users don’t need to pay much attention to the process. However, there are some good reasons why you may want to consider disabling automatic updates and manually downloading updates for your child’s apps instead. […]
Parents today have a lot to worry about, and much of it is on the internet. Social media, You-Tube, chat and dating apps, and more are all areas of concern for many parents. While these internet-based activities are all new ground for parents in many ways, in other ways they’re more of the same concerns that parents of teens have always had to deal with. Take a look at some of the reasons why you […]
Have you ever wondered how teenagers find new social apps that you’ve never heard of? It can be tough for parents to keep track of which apps the kids are using these days, and you may be curious about how teens decide which apps to use. As it turns out, it may not be so much that teens find new apps – it may be that the app-makers find them. Take a look at one […]
Recruitment is a tricky avenue these days. If you think that it is all about the interview and resume evaluation then you are wrong. The world of recruitment is progressing like any other arena. These days you cannot simply recruit anyone for any designation. Your whole business depends on your employees and if you are recruiting the wrong people; they might lead to your doom. On the other hand if you have professional, flexible and […]
Parents have been worrying about how smartphone use is affecting their teens for years now. Despite those worries, however, parents, teens, and everybody else has become more and more reliant on smartphones. And the always-on nature of the devices combined with the development of many intentionally addictive apps has led to an increase in the amount of time everyone spends attached to their phones. But a recent study suggests that teens, at least, are aware […]
If you’re familiar with Tinder, you probably know it as a dating app for adults. What you may not know is that Tinder also allows – and even encourages – teens to use their services. And Tinder is only one of several age-inappropriate apps that many teens regularly use to meet friends or romantic partners that may not be acceptable to you. Even more disturbing is that you may not know that your teen is […]
Trust in traditional news sources like mainstream newspapers and cable news channels is currently on a downward trend, leading more and more people to seek information outside of mainstream sources – often from internet-based resources like podcasts, blogs, and social media sites. While this is often discussed in terms of adults, the trend is affecting teens too. One way that teenagers are consuming and discussing news, current events, and controversial topics is through Instagram accounts […]