If you have a child or teen that uses the internet on a regular basis, you’ve probably taught them about the importance of choosing a secure password and protecting their personal information online. However, you may not have talked to them about the importance of choosing a safe screen name. You yourself may not realize just how revealing a screen name can be. Here are some tips on screen name safety that you should definitely […]
Monthly Archives: December 2016
It’s not always easy to talk to your kids about cyberbullying, but it is important. Cyberbullying can have serious detrimental effects on your child’s mental and emotional well-being, and their social life. It can also be connected to physical bullying. And in some cases, cyberbullying has been linked to self-harm or suicide in teens. Talking to your children about cyberbullying can help prevent or minimize its harmful effects. Here are some tips for getting the […]
Limits on screen time are a hot topic in parent communities. There are many different ideas about how much screen time children should have and how that time should be used. After all, children can learn a lot from their various screens, from the television to the computer or laptop, to a mobile device like a tablet or phone. All of these formats offer educational games and programs, for instance, and there’s a good argument […]
If your child has a smartphone or mobile device, then they have access to a whole world of different apps that can be used to text, chat, and take, send, and receive photos. Chances are good that they use apps you’ve never even heard of. Some smartphone apps are useful and even educational, and some are just fun. Some, however, have hidden dangers that parent should know about. Take a look at a few of […]