Part of being a parent is talking to your kids about safety. It starts when they’re small, when you warn them of the dangers of talking to strangers or running into the road, and continues into the teenage years and even young adulthood, with conversations about things like safe driving and avoiding illegal drugs. And when somewhere along the way you decide that your teen or pre-teen is ready to have their own smartphone, it’s […]
Monthly Archives: July 2016
Through their computers, smartphones, and tablets, your teens have access to a plethora of great information sources from all over the world. It’s easier than it ever has been to do in-depth research for a school project or pursue hobbies that are obscure or unavailable in your local area. And of course, the internet is how teens communicate with their friends — and much of that communication is normal and healthy. Still, the internet also […]
If your teen is like most teens today, they probably spend a large part of the day with their smartphone in hand. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Many adults now find smartphones vital to their jobs, and teens who grew up with the technology will find themselves well-prepared for a world that increasingly relies on it. However, unrestrained cell phone use isn’t necessarily a good thing, either. For all the advantages that digital communication […]
This is the today’s version of passing notes. Smartphones are no longer a luxury, even for teenagers. Today’s kids use mobile apps and text messaging as one of their primary modes of communication — to be without a smartphone is to be left out of their social circle. If you’re like most parents, you want your child to have a healthy, active social life, and you understand that their phone is a large part of […]