At least 100 high school students in Cañon City texted nude selfies to each other, according to authorities, part of a large sexting ring. George Welsh, the superintendent of the Cañon City school system, said that while children in the pictures were believed to be students at the high school, some were also eighth graders from the middle school. This incident in Cañon City has left parents outraged and has their legal officials debating whether […]
Yearly Archives: 2015
When developing WebWatcher for iPhone/iPad, Awareness Technologies weighed the pros and cons of creating an iCloud monitoring solution versus a Jailbreak solution. Apple released iOS 8.3 last week, which continues to patch any ability to jailbreak the device running 8.1.3 or later. iOS 8.1.3, which was released earlier this year, officially patched up the TaiG iOS 8 jailbreak and those patches carry over to iOS 8.3. A support page on Apple’s website lists the TaiG […]
For Sellers in Amazon, Jungle Scout chrome extension software is definitely a powerful tool to get competitive product descriptions for making the awesome decision. Get product reviews, stat reports, sales rank and updates regarding new product items in the specific niches on Amazon. It seems to give you a great formula to win in the competition. Find the best journal review-Jungle Scout and learn about innovative technical aspects of JS software. Explore in Amazon Jungle […]
Some states including CT, NY, SD, NE, FL, NJ, WV & VA, have implemented strict punishments for teens convicted of sexting. Teenagers convicted of these crimes may face extensive jail terms, criminal records, being placed on the sex offender registry and the stigma and employment problems that come with that; incredibly severe punishments for the sending or receiving of an explicit image at a young age. Teens charged with these crimes can possibly face long jail […]